Shanghai Teamstand Corporation offers a broad portfolio of saline and heparin pre-filled products to meet your clinical needs, including externally sterile packaged syringes for sterile field appli...
When it comes to treating diabetes, insulin injections are an important part of daily treatment for many patients. Choosing the correct insulin syringe size and functionality that best suits your a...
In diabetes management, insulin pens have emerged as a convenient and user-friendly alternative to traditional insulin syringes. These devices are designed to simplify the process of insulin delive...
Shanghai Teamstand Corporation is a professional medical device supplier and manufacturer. Its’ vascular access device production line provides a variety of products, including safety huber n...
Scalp vein sets or butterfly needles, also known as a winged infusion set. It is a sterile, disposable medical device used for drawing blood from a vein and giving medication or intravenous therapy...
A scalp vein set, commonly known as a butterfly needle, is a medical device designed for venipuncture, particularly in patients with delicate or difficult-to-access veins. This device is widely use...