[Application] The vascular device implantable port is suitable for guided chemotherapy for a variety of malignant tumors, prophylactic chemotherapy after tumor resection and other lesions requiring...
In the world of medical devices, the Intravenous (IV) cannula is a crucial tool used in hospitals and healthcare facilities to administer fluids and medications directly into a patient...
What is a Surgical Suture?
A surgical suture is a medical device used to hold body tissues together after an injury or surgery. The application of sutures is crucial in wound healing, providing nec...
Injection needle is one of the largest selling medical devices in the world. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that millions of people are injured every year in hospitals around the...
The “three sets” of epidemic prevention:
wearing a mask;
keep a distance of more than 1 meter when communicating with others.
Do good personal hygiene.
Protection “five needs̶...
Rectal catheters are important single-use medical products used in a variety of medical procedures and treatments. Especially in China, the demand for rectal catheters has been rising due to their ...