Prevent & Relief DVT Edema Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis System DVT Pump
The DVT intermittent pneumatic compression device produces automatically timed cycles of compressed air.
The system consists of an air pump and a soft pliable compression garment(s) for the foot, calf or thigh.
The controller supplies compression on a pre-set timing cycle (12 seconds inflation followed by 48 seconds of deflation) at a suggested pressure setting, 45mmHg in the 1st chamber, 40 mmHg in the 2nd chamber and 30mmHg in the 3rd chamber for the Leg and 120mmHg for the Foot.
The pressure in the garments is transferred to the extremity, augmenting venous blood flow when the leg is compressed, reducing stasis. This process also stimulates fibrinolysis; thus, reducing the risk of early clot formation.
Product use
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that forms in a deep vein. Blood clots occur when blood thickens andclumps together. Most deep veln blood clots occur in the lower leg or thigh. They also can occur In the other partsof the body.
The DVT system is an external pneumatic compression (EPC) system for the prevention of DVT.
Muscles arerendered ineffective as an assist in venous return during surgery.
The DVT pump functions as a secondary pump to propel venous blood out of the deep veins while a patient is undergoing surgical procedures.
Product details
Cycle Time: Inflation 12 seconds +/- 10%
Deflation 48 seconds +/- 10%
Pressure Settings:
Calf/Thigh Garment: 45/40/30 mmHg +10/-5mmHg
Foot Garment: 120 mmHg +10/-5mmHg