Manual retractable syringes are popular and preferred by many healthcare professionals due to their many benefits and features. These syringes feature retractable needles that reduce the risk of a...
What is Huber Needle?
A Huber needle is a specially designed hollow needle with a beveled tip. It is used to access the implanted venous access port devices.
It was invented by a dentist, Dr. Ralph...
As people’s awareness of the importance of health increases, more and more people begin to pay close attention to their blood pressure. The blood pressure cuff has become an indispensable too...
Medical devices play a vital role in the healthcare sector by assisting in various surgeries and treatments. Among numerous medical devices, arteriovenous fistula needles have received widespread a...
Recently, overseas media Fierce Medtech selected the 15 most innovative medical device companies in 2023. These companies not only focus on the most common technical fields, but also use their keen...
As the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of the healthcare industry is more important than ever. Ensuring the safe disposal of medical devices has always been a top priority, but ...